Barry is writing every day.
Again! (Though this was a reimagined piece that I had already written.) Lutz
One thing I no longer do is spend a ton of time on blog posts. Years ago I decided I wanted to write essays on my site rather than blog posts. For a moment they were clever. Always edited down, down, down, but also hoping for some sort of arrival at a witty structure. Also, I stopped writing pretty quickly because that level of quality is hard to come by.
Rather than a path that leads to not writing, I'm deciding to just write quickish and let it be messy and ungreat. The goal is getting more practice. With that hopefully quality grows without growing the post-to-post time commitment. Maybe someday I'll add essays or some other more serious writing back to the mix? Maybe.
I blogged! Shatner in Space
Just been nightly journaling, but that’s good! Recently thought about adding some writing things in August. We shall see!
Nightly journaling continues.
Been doing some light nightly journaling along with a little newsletter writing.
Wrote up my personal newsletter in a bit of a rush.
A streak!
I think Observations on 6 years of journaling might have helped me to crack the code of this thing I need to do for myself, which is daily journaling. I've never believed I could do it at night. Now I believe that's when I need to do it.
I'm heading on vacation soon. I'll have a light travel journal along. When I return I'll set to forming the daily at-home habit.
A small bit of writing today. Bit by bit.
Did some newsletter writing. That's a streak!
I journaled today. It has been really spotty with writing this month as things are really busy. Next week we go on a vacation where I don't think I'll have time to write (chaperoning some kids on this vacation). So it will continue to be spotty until early July. I'm hoping I can get into a rhythm after July 4th!