Barry is writing every day.
Started a new streak today by writing a first draft for the intro story for my newsletter.
I hardly slept last night and was going to write a goofy poem to check this off, but I ended up 750'ing anyway. And it didn't think I was angry this time!
750 words.
Will I ever write anything other than morning pages again?
Another 750words session. I’ve noticed that I’m writing blog posts less since trying 750words. However, today I had a mini-breakthrough of ideas, so I’m going to keep going with it for a bit. I expect 750words will eventually be in part an idea generator, and the writing practice will also make blog posts and other things flow more quickly.
Back to a new streak via 750words.
Yesterday was busy with family stuff and regional travel. I wrote 100 words, but I don’t think that counts. Taking a moment to break the streak proper today.
750words again. I did write up a few microblog posts, but I don't know if that should really count.
This is gonna get boring if I just say “wrote at 750words” every day. I assume it will lead to other writing, though, so I’m going to keep rolling with it for now.
Tried the new today. It mostly felt good, but that sure is a lot of words. I should have timed how long it took. (Though today was relatively easy because I mostly wrote about 750words and the experience of the site and writing.)